Harmonize Your Business Goals and Soul's Purpose

Tune out the noise and turn within!

You'll make a bigger impact and more profit when you fix energy leaks that are costing you time and money.

The #1 mistake healers, practitioners and coaches make is skip the foundational steps of thriving business.

Harmonize Your Business Goals and Soul's Purpose

You'll make a bigger impact and more profit when you fix energy leaks that are costing you time and money.


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Years Experienced


Award Won

Stop struggling to try all the things when it comes to growing your business...

I'm not like other coaches who just give you the "what" and "how", then leave you in the dust when you struggle to apply that knowledge.

I've been where you are and let me tell you, you don't just need another course, template, or big program where you're just another number.

I'm going to show you how to actually make those strategies fit you as an individual AND help with the hardest part of all, which is the implementation of that plan.

Have you been told "this is all you have to do", only to feel completely lost when you try to apply it for yourself?


Years Experience

Have you been told "this is all you have to do" only to feel completely lost when you try to apply it for yourself?

I've been where you are and let me assure you, you don't just need another course, template, or big program where you're just another number.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all about learning new things! However, there's a huge gap in other programs out there.

What's missing is how to translate those strategies to fit you as an individual AND help with the hardest part of all, which is the implementation.

Stop struggling to try all the things when it comes to growing your business...


Years Experience

"Since being in Rise Academy I have made leaps and bounds"

"Since being in Rise Academy I have made leaps and bounds"

I LOVE Rise Academy. It feels like the perfect plug in to create solid foundations for my business after winging it for 2 years. The trainings are a true reflection of a holistic approach. I love the variety of speakers that are in the various modules. Since being in Rise Academy I have made leaps and bounds in creating my systems in a way that now make sense and have begun building a clear pathway to lead my audience from follower to client in less than a month and gained 2 new clients in doing so. Alyssa you have created the perfect balance of live interaction and recorded content and have put the spark back into taking inspired action in my own business. Thank you!!

Gena G.

I LOVE Rise Academy. It feels like the perfect plug in to create solid foundations for my business after winging it for 2 years. The trainings are a true reflection of a holistic approach. I love the variety of speakers that are in the various modules. Since being in Rise Academy I have made leaps and bounds in creating my systems in a way that now make sense and have begun building a clear pathway to lead my audience from follower to client in less than a month and gained 2 new clients in doing so. Alyssa you have created the perfect balance of live interaction and recorded content and have put the spark back into taking inspired action in my own business. Thank you!!

Gena G.

Just like your healing journey, your Entrepreneurial journey is packed with challenges that ultimately lead to growth.

Let's transmute these obstacles into your next big breakthrough!

Have too many ideas?

You may feel like you have a thousand business ideas buzzing in your head, and can be paralyzing. Choosing the right path may feel impossible, and you might worry that you're missing out on the best opportunity for success.

Feel like you've plateued?

You probably started your business with so much enthusiasm, but now might find yourself stuck in a rut. The initial excitement has faded, and you might question if you can really take your business to the next level.

Feel like you can't get ahead?

You might be constantly busy with day-to-day tasks, putting out fires, and managing the routine. But deep down, you know you should be doing more to grow your business. It's frustrating because you feel like you're spinning your wheels.

Just like your healing journey, your Entrepreneurial journey is packed with life lessons.

Overcome the obstacles to your next big breakthrough!

Have "too many" ideas?

"I feel like I have a thousand business ideas buzzing in my head, and it's paralyzing. Choosing the right path seems impossible, and I worry that I'm missing out on the best opportunity for success. I struggle with sticking to one thing and tend to bounce around to too many things."

Feel like you've plateaued?

"I started my business with so much enthusiasm, but now I find myself stuck in a rut. It's like hitting a wall, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to break through. The initial excitement has faded, and I'm questioning if I can really take my business to the next level."

Feel like you can't get ahead?

"I'm constantly busy with day-to-day tasks, putting out fires, and managing the routine. But deep down, I know I should be doing more to grow my business. It's frustrating because I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, not making the progress I envisioned when I started this journey."

Anchor your business goals into your vision for a better world and watch the magic unfold.

Our program provides the strategic guidance and community support you need to align your passion for healing and wellness to your profit goals. We help you efficiently implement growth activities, ensuring your business becomes a powerful force for positive change.

Imagine dramatically reducing the stress of growing your business.

Rise Academy is designed to help you feel confidant AF and lit up with creativity!

Grow with a community of badass women who understand the importance of holistic healing and well-being and want to help others in a big way without sacrificing their time or sense of peace.

Grow with a community of badass women who understand the importance of holistic healing and well-being and want to help others in a big way without sacrificing their time or sense of peace.

What you get inside the program...

Group Coaching Calls 3x Month

These calls are pure magic and everyone always leaves feeling lighter and more inspired to take aligned action.

Small Circle of Soulful CEOs

We are a supportive community, fostering collaboration and shared success among like-minded healers and holistic health providers.

Scaling Guidance for Your Big Vision

Get support and guidance if you have a big vision and are ready to scale and bring your medicine to a larger audience.

Strategic Launch Planning

Learn how to bring your brilliant programs, packages, and offers to your ideal clients who NEED them!

What we'll dive deep into...

Client Acquisition

Whether you're struggling to fill your schedule, or looking to attract a higher level client as you grow, we'll explore strategies that feel aligned.

Messaging Techniques

Master communication, ensuring messages resonate and reach your soul aligned clients while they're at the point of being ready to buy.

Business Operations

Learn to work smarter, not harder by optimizing business processes for scalability. This saves you SO much time and increases your availability for bigger picture work.

Holistic Integration

As much as I love strategy and taking action, we also lean hard into our spiritual side. From working with the moon to human design, to energetically aligning to your ideal client, we go there!

"I've gotten the kick in the butt I need to expand"

Alyssa takes the time to learn about each of us as an individual and knows how to sort out what is needed most. The group of women are so supportive of each other, it's been wonderful to be a part of. So whether you're fine tuning your biz, or more at the beginning stages of the journey, this program is filled with helpful information, tools, and advice to help guide you to success. My own personal experience has been that I've gotten the kick in the butt I need to expand other parts of my life to make sure to what I need to succeed, not to mention guidance for the next steps when I'm ready, plus a cheer squad when things don't seem to be going right!! Thanks Alyssa for all you have done and been for me!

Kathleen C.

"I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of this community!"

I couldn't have gotten to where I am today without Alyssa's support within Rise Academy. She gives great advice, leads you down the best path, and she's also a great listener and brings us what we need based off our feedback and current situation. The group calls, guest speakers, Slack community, and invaluable portal info have been a huge help and I am so grateful and blessed to be a part of this community! Thank you Alyssa for all you do for us!

Sandy D.

"It helps me stay courageously connected to my purpose as we learn and grow together"

"It helps me stay courageously connected to my purpose as we learn and grow together"

It has been grounding and nurturing for me to be part of this group as I build my business. Being in community with like-minded women helps me stay courageously connected to my purpose as we learn and grow together.

Courtney M.

Anchor your business goals into your vision for a better world and watch the magic unfold.

Our program provides the strategic guidance and community support you need to align your passion for healing and wellness to your profit goals. We help you efficiently implement growth activities, ensuring your business becomes a powerful force for positive change.

Rise Academy

6-Month Membership

what's included

  • Group Coaching Calls (Value $900)

  • Online Learning Portal (Value $1500)

  • Monthly Planning Sessions (Value $600)

  • Slack Community (24/7) (Value $300)

  • Monthly Guest Masterclasses (Value $600)


  • Human Design Reading + Cheat Sheet with Alyssa Knapp (Value $297)

  • Purpose to Profit Accelerator Course (Value $97)

  • Soulful CEO Checklist + Workshop (Value $47)

Total Value: $4191

Pay in Full Price: $2500

3 payment option $844

6 payment option $444/month


What is the time commitment for the program?

Our program is designed to simplify and empower you to grow your business authentically. The primary time commitment is a weekly group call lasting around an hour. However, we ensure everyone has the opportunity to share, so the call may occasionally run longer. Additionally, depending on your goals, you may choose to take supplementary classes on our learning portal.

Will this program add more work to my plate?

Absolutely not. Our focus is on streamlining your efforts for sustainable growth, not increasing your workload. While there may be some upfront energy investment, it's aimed at laying a strong foundation for long-term success. We also encourage prioritizing self-care and personal well-being, including rest during different phases of your growth cycle.

I'm worried I'll be overwhelmed and won't take advantage of the program. What support is available?

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stuck, we'll address the root cause and develop a plan to integrate practices for nervous system regulation. Together, we'll create an action plan tailored to your goals without overwhelming you. Plus, you'll have the support of the group for accountability and assistance, whether it's overcoming tech blocks or staying on track with your goals.

How does this program support work-life balance?

Our program recognizes the importance of balancing business growth with personal well-being. In addition to providing tools and strategies for business success, we emphasize self-care and personal development. This may involve allocating time for rest and rejuvenation, ensuring you can sustainably manage both your professional and personal life throughout your growth journey.

What if I need 1:1 support?

As a member of Rise Academy, you have the option to book 1:1 sessions ranging from a 90-minute one-off strategy session to a 3-month coaching container. These sessions offer personalized support tailored to your specific needs and goals. The 3-month coaching container includes 12 sessions priced at $3500, providing comprehensive support for your journey.

When are the group calls? What if I can't make them live?

Our weekly group calls are held 3x per month on Tuesdays at 1pm EST on Zoom. We have guest experts speak to the group 1 or more times per month and are scheduled based on the guest's availability; replays are always available on the portal.

What if I don't like the vibe once I'm in?

If you find that the group dynamic isn't aligning with your expectations or if you're feeling disconnected, you'll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns with Alyssa. Your comfort and satisfaction are important to us, and we're committed to addressing any issues you may encounter to ensure you have a positive experience in the program.

What is the size of the group and what is the group dynamic like?

We cap the group at 15 members so that no one gets lost or left behind. This is a loving, respectful, and compassionate container of women who are all here on the same mission and always cheering each other on.

How spiritual does the group get? Will there be group meditations, healings, or moon rituals?

While there are resources available on the portal for spiritual wellness and personal development, the focus of this container is primarily on actionable steps and grounded manifestations. This program is ideal for individuals already practicing spiritual activities on their own time, where we come together to support each other in taking aligned actions towards our goals.

Is the program worth the investment?

Absolutely. One of the first steps upon entering the program is to assess your finances and develop a plan for profitability, including recouping your investment and achieving your income goals. We're dedicated to ensuring that the program offers tangible returns on your investment, both financially and in terms of personal and professional growth.

What if I can't afford this right now?

If the lowest payment price of $444 is not in your budget, it's great to recognize this because you cannot build a soul aligned business from a place of fear and pressure. If this is you and you need a little kick in the pants to get on track to afford this program, reach out to Alyssa for a complimentary Strategy Session to get you on your way: alyssa@integrativewellnessjourneys.com.

Choose Your Package

Women can do everything.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Starter Kit

Basic Package



  • A ante donec congue consectetuer

  • Tellus dis cursus tincidunt

  • Massa luctus ullamcorper augue

  • Rhoncus dictumst

  • Leo montes nibh at

*Convallis pretium ornare fringilla

Starter Kit

Basic Package



  • A ante donec congue consectetuer

  • Tellus dis cursus tincidunt

  • Massa luctus ullamcorper augue

  • Rhoncus dictumst

  • Leo montes nibh at

*Convallis pretium ornare fringilla

Starter Kit

Advance Package



  • A ante donec congue consectetuer

  • Tellus dis cursus tincidunt

  • Massa luctus ullamcorper augue

  • Rhoncus dictumst

  • Leo montes nibh at

*Convallis pretium ornare fringilla

Hi! I'm Alyssa...

Alyssa Knapp, MS, CEP, RMT

My journey began in the science world with degrees in Psychology & a Master's in Kinesiology.

I delved into clinical research, taught as a University Professor, and spent 5 years in corporate as a clinical health coach and project manager.

Fastforward through a transformational spiritual awakening in 2018, I launched my business and started offering energy healing, coaching, and movement therapy with a focus on stress and anxiety.

I quickly realized that the more I focused on my personal healing and spiritual growth, the more I began to step into my deeper purpose.

Naturally, this led to my business transforming and leading me to where I am now, which is helping other heart-centered leaders accelerate their growth and find more success.

Creativity and joy are two huge values of mine.

While you can't escape the challenges (those are the lessons!), you can do so with more light-heartedness and less emotional attachment.

That's my jam :).

Hi! I'm Alyssa...

My journey began in the science world with degrees in Psychology & a Master's in Kinesiology. I delved into clinical research, taught as a University Professor, and spent 5 years in corporate as a clinical health coach and project manager.

Fast-forward through a transformational spiritual awakening in 2018, I launched my business and started offering energy healing, coaching, and movement therapy with a focus on reducing stress and anxiety.

I quickly realized that the more I focused on my personal healing and spiritual growth, the more I began to step into my deeper purpose.

Naturally, this led to a business transformation and lead me to where I am now, which is helping other heart-centered leaders accelerate their financial growth through soul aligned strategies.

Creativity and joy are two huge values of mine. While you can't escape the challenges (those are the lessons!) you can do so with more light-heartedness and less emotional attachment. That's my jam :).

Alyssa Knapp, MS, CEP, RMT

It's time to step into a new era of growth and expansion!

Invest in the transformative journey of your business today. Imagine a future where your entrepreneurial dreams not only become a reality but also contribute to a better world.

Our comprehensive program is designed to guide you through overcoming challenges, amplifying your impact, and creating a thriving, holistic business.

With a community of like-minded healers, practitioners, and holistic health providers, personalized strategies based on Human Design, and a 100% money-back guarantee, the only thing holding you back is either your faith in you or your faith in me.

If it's the latter, feel free to send me an email and we can hop on a call for a no pressure chat: alyssa@integrativewellnessjourneys.com.

Embrace the support, embrace the growth, and let your business become the beacon of positive change you envision. Your success story starts here.